
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Element Church has been supporting Life Impact International since the beginning.  We give every month to help rescue children of all ages out of the slavery and sex trafficking rings of southeast Asia and in South America.  
We are thankful that God has been financially gracious to us, so that we can be financially gracious to His people!

Local Missions

Missions Starts At Home

Every month Element Church contributes support to various projects and organizations in our community that are
helping feed the hungry, take care of the elderly, serve the lonely, and more!

Whether we are hosting free events for families, providing meals, helping our local food shelf, or providing resources to
families expecting their first child, we believe that mission is best practiced in our own backyards!  We love our town!
And we want to be the church that is known for loving God and loving others! 

If you'd like to contribute and help us make Jesus Famous in the Northwoods and
 around the world, let us know!